Optimizing electrolyser cooling processes

A significant part of the future hydrogen demand is estimated to be produced in electrolysers (alkaline/PEM/solid oxide). Maximizing the efficiency and lifetime of these hydrogen electrolysers will be crucial for decarbonization. In today’s technologies, 20-40% of the hydrogen electrolyser capacity is turned into excess heat that needs to be continuously cooled off.

No matter if it’s the commercial electrolyser technologies on the market today, or the ongoing development of the next generation of electrolyser, optimizing the electrolysers cooling as well as the hydrogen plant itself is a key success factor for efficient and scalable green hydrogen production.

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The Perfect Partner for the Hydrogen Industry


Watch the video and discover what makes a perfect partner for a hydrogen plant.

By working with Alfa Laval, you will get:

  • Top-notch equipment and experience
  • Reliability and efficiency
  • Support to scale up hydrogen production

Energy efficient green hydrogen production

When renewable electricity is splitting water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen in an alkaline/PEM electrolyser, a large part of the electrolyser capacity is turned into excess heat. By cooling off the heat in an efficient, compact and scalable way – we not only maximize the efficiency and lifetime of the hydrogen electrolyser itself, it also allows for further repurposing of this excess heat.

By not letting excess energy go to waste, the overall efficiency of green hydrogen production can increase.

Hydrogen plants: We understand reducing OpEx and CapEx is mandatory to ensure a cost competitive green hydrogen production. With Alfa Laval’s heat transfer technology, we enable a lower levelised cost of hydrogen.

  • Reducing costs
  • Enabling heat recovery
  • Productivity first

Heat exchanger tech: The new generation of Alfa Laval semi-welded plate heat exchangers takes pressure weighting to the next level, designed for optimised performance to guarantee a reliable operation in the electrolyser system.

  • Handles high pressure
  • Flexible configuration
  • Space saving

Service solutions: Equipment used in hydrogen production must be handled in a very careful manner. Connected services ensure safety by monitoring the health status of the plate heat exchanger as well as prolonging the lifetime of the equipment.

  • Ensure safety
  • Accelerate sustainability
  • Efficient for decades

Efficient cooling electrolyser system with Alfa Laval heat exchangers

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Electrolyser stack

1. Electrolyser stack

This is where the electricity is concentrated and the water is electrolysed into this most simple elements. Where the magic happens!

Electrolyte coolers

2. Anolyte cooler

3. Catholyte cooler

The electrolyte coolers are here to maintain the stack at optimal temperature and remove the waste heat produced during the water electrolysis process. This enables better performance and a longer lifetime of the equipment. Alfa Laval heat exchangers are just the right fit for this duties and enable more adding the possibility to recover the heat from them.

Gas coolers

4. Hydrogen gas cooler

5. Oxygen gas cooler

The gas coolers have the crucial function to insure a good efficiency of green hydrogen production by reducing the gas temperature to the lowest level possible. Alfa Laval heat exchangers enable you to have both safe operations with robust equipment and recover heat from the gas if you want to.


미래에 희망을 주는 녹색 수소 

오랫동안 유럽의 기후 목표 달성에 긍정적인 기여를 해온 녹색 수소가 독일에서 시작된 파일럿 프로젝트를 통해 실현가능성을 보여주고 있습니다. Thyssenkrupp Uhde Chlorine Engineers GmbH는 알파라발 열교환기를 사용하여 Duisburg 현장에서 진행 중인 고로 작업에서 탄소배출량을 줄이기 위해 석탄 주입 대신 수소를 테스트하고 있습니다. 이 새로운 과정에서 남은 것은 수증기뿐입니다

독일 정부가 자금을 지원하는 이 프로젝트는 제강 중에 생성된 야금 가스를 사용하여 화학 물질을 생산함으로써 제강 및 화학 생산 모두에서 탄소 배출량을 줄입니다. 이 파일럿에서 알파라발 기술이 수행한 중요한 역할에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 아래 스토리를 참조해 주십시오. 

Download the case leaflet

Supplies the world’s largest green hydrogen plant

Alfa Laval has signed an agreement to deliver compact heat exchangers to the world’s largest green hydrogen plant, which is to be constructed in the Middle East. The facility, powered by renewable energy, will be part of the city of Neom, built from scratch in the northwestern desert, with the ambition of establishing a new model for sustainable living.


Discover more

Neom city

Alfa Laval’s offering in green hydrogen production

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Alfa Laval Semi Welded Heat Exchanger

  • Highly efficient and flexible
  • Space-saving compact unit
  • Low operating cost possible owing to superior energy efficiency and prolonged service intervals
  • Safe and reliable sealing with no risk of cross-contamination
  • Pressure and temperature fatigue resistant

Alfa Laval Industrial GPHE


Meet with modern requirements

  • Highest thermal efficiency and close temperature approach
  • Compact units - space saving, easy to service and maintain
  • Maximum uptime - less fouling, stress, wear and corrosion
  • Flexible - easy to adapt to changed duty requirements

Alfa Laval AlfaNova


Sustainable, safe and cost-efficient

  • Alfa Laval’s patented AlfaFusion technology
  • 100% stainless steel construction
  • Virtually maintenance free
  • Reduced installation costs

Alfa Laval ALF filter


For all Alfa Laval heat exchangers

  • Automatic backflushing for uninterrupted filtering process
  • Easy installation and maintenance
  • Increased cooling system uptime and lower maintenance costs
  • Proven, reliable technology

Contact us for more efficient green hydrogen production

We have more experience in green hydrogen production and scaleup to share with you. Contact us today for further information and partner up with us for a more sustainable future.

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Energy efficient clean hydrogen solutions

Do you want to know more about how Alfa Laval supports in development in the full hydrogen value chain? Explore our offerings in everything from production to end-use.

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Water purification for green hydrogen production

Water quality is a crucial aspect to optimize green hydrogen production. Combined with increased energy efficiency makes it even more important. Find out more about what Alfa Laval can offer in water generation for green hydrogen production.

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Clean energy

Sustainable partnership