2024-06-05 Product news

알파라발, 식품 산업을 위해 특별히 설계된 가장 위생적인 디캔터를 출시

최적의 위생 수준은 식품 생산 과정의 모든 단계에 필수적이며 표준은 항상 진화하고 발전하고 있습니다. 알파라발은 식품 산업이 이렇게 변화하는 요구를 충족하고 넘어설 수 있도록 돕기 위해 새로운 디캔터인 알파라발 Foodec Hygiene Plus를 출시했습니다. 알파라발 디캔터에서 기대할 수 있는 우수한 성능을 유지하면서 위생 수준을 향상시키도록 설계된 다양한 기능이 함께 제공됩니다.


Setting new standards

The Alfa Laval Foodec Hygiene Plus comes with a variety of features as standard which have been carefully engineered to ensure optimal hygiene levels alongside more efficient cleaning processes. There are drainage holes which lead to less residue left in the decanter centrifuge, improving overall cleanliness while reducing the potential for unscheduled downtime.

In addition, the integrated cleaning-in-place (CIP) bar makes it easier to clean every part of the inside of the frame and the outside of the bowl, while the CIP feed tube makes the critical dead-end areas of the feed tube, particularly the area around the decanter feed zone and tapered cone section, easier to access. All product wetted surfaces are also designed to be a smooth as possible, reducing biofilm build-up and improving overall hygiene.


Extra features offer exceptional hygiene

The standard features and design ensure the Foodec Hygiene Plus is ideal for any application where exceptional hygiene is essential, but every food application is different, and every manufacturer has different demands. That’s why optional extras are available to enhance hygiene levels even further.

TrueStainlessTM ensures that solid stainless steel is used for the frame and other key parts which can be in contact with corrosive atmospheres, leading to optimal hygiene and longer equipment lifetime. SaniRibs® are welded ribs that create optimal friction which results in better solids transportation while eliminating pathogen hotspots and simplifying cleaning even further.

“The Alfa Laval Foodec Hygiene Plus represents a significant step forward for decanter hygiene,” says Cristina Lisbona, Global Sales Manager. “We know the food industry, and know that hygiene is absolutely essential. Our new solution is designed specifically to improve productivity, cleaning efficiency, overall hygiene and, ultimately, product quality.”

To learn more about the new Foodec Hygiene Plus, please visit:


Foodec Hygiene Plus


This is Alfa Laval

Alfa Laval is active in the areas of Energy, Marine, and Food & Water, offering its expertise, products, and service to a wide range of industries in some 100 countries. The company is committed to optimizing processes, creating responsible growth, and driving progress – always going the extra mile to support customers in achieving their business goals and sustainability targets.

Alfa Laval’s innovative technologies are dedicated to purifying, refining, and reusing materials, promoting more responsible use of natural resources. They contribute to improved energy efficiency and heat recovery, better water treatment, and reduced emissions. Thereby, Alfa Laval is not only accelerating success for its customers, but also for people and the planet. Making the world better, every day. It’s all about Advancing better™.

Alfa Laval has approx. 16,700 employees. Annual sales in 2020 were approx. SEK 41.5 billion (approx. EUR 4 billion). The company is listed on Nasdaq OMX.


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Susanne Rosentoft

Central Communication Manager, Food & Water

+45 39 53 65 27


Cristina Lisbona

Global Sales Manager, Food Decanters

+45 28 78 59 05

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