최고층 빌딩의 냉난방
2018년에 유럽에서 가장 높은 건물인 라흐타 센터(Lakhta Centre)가 러시아 상트페테르부르크에 들어섰습니다. 이 센터는 실내 기후를 위해 알파라발의 기술을 사용하는 전 세계 건물들 중 하나일 뿐입니다.
날짜 2024-06-13At 462 metres tall, the new skyscraper dominates the skyline of the city, and will form the centre of a new business district. The project’s ambitions extend well beyond breaking height records – it has also set bold targets when it comes to the building’s environmental impact, both in its construction and continued operation.
One of the most distinguishing features of the Lakhta Centre is its double façade skin, which allows for thermal insulation and natural ventilation. It is estimated this will reduce heating and air conditioning consumption by 50 percent. In addition, conventional heating devices have been replaced by infrared radiators that can reuse heat emitted from other devices, and sensors will automatically adjust temperature and lighting according to the number of people in each room.
Among the other energy-saving components of the Lakhta Centre’s construction are 61 Alfa Laval gasketed plate heat exchangers, which will be used for heating, ventilation, hot water and air conditioning. Due to their high heat-transfer efficiency, the heat exchangers will minimize heat loss. They will also reduce the water consumption needed for power transfer and, by extension, reduce the energy consumption for water pumps.
The Lakhta Centre is just the latest of many exceedingly tall skyscrapers where Alfa Laval equipment is used for climate control. Others include the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the Shanghai Tower (the first and second tallest buildings in the world respectively) and the Bank of America Tower in New York.
The tallest buildings in the world
1 | Burj Khalifa
Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Height: 828 metres
2 | Shanghai Tower
Location: Shanghai, China
Height: 632 metres
3 | Abraj Al-Bait Clock Tower
Location: Mecca, Saudi Arabia
Height: 601 metres
4 | Ping An Finance Centre
Location: Shenzhen, China
Height: 599 metres
5 | Lotte World Tower
Location: Seoul, South Korea
Height: 554.5 metres
6 | One World Trade Center
Location: New York, United States
Height: 541.3 metres
7 | Guangzhou CTF Finance Centre
Location: Guangzhou, China
Height: 530 metres
8 | Tianjin CTF Finance Centre
Location: Tianjin, China
Height: 530 metres
9 | China Zun
Location: Beijing, China
Height: 528 metres
10 | Taipei 101
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
Height: 508 metres
Are you curious?
최고의 기술력으로 자연, 인간을 위한 최선의 방안을 추구하는 알파라발은 어려운 도전을 극복하기 위해 항상 노력해 왔습니다. 이는 호기심이 충만한 헌신적인 사람들만 있다면 충분히 달성할 수 있습니다. 호기심은 뛰어난 아이디어의 촉매입니다. 뛰어난 아이디어는 진보를 이루어 내죠. 지속가능한 발전을 위해 공헌할 수 있는 기회를 아래 채용 공고 (See our job vacancies) 를 통해 확인해 보십시오.
Advancing better. With Alfa Laval.
지속가능한 발전 목표에 기여하는 알파라발
UN(국제연합)은 인류가 지향해야 할 17개의 '지속가능한 발전을 위한 2030 아젠다' 를 설정하였으며, 이는 모든 193개 회원국이 2030년까지 사회, 환경, 경제적으로 지속 가능한 세상을 만들기 위해 최선을 다해야 함을 의미합니다.
이 비전의 달성 여부는 이제 우리와 같은 기업에 달려 있습니다
Did you know... that
the Lakhta Centre's twisting tower is inspired by a Swedish fortress, which actually occupied the original site in the early 14th century.
![lakhta centre 640x360](https://www.alfalaval.com/globalassets/images/media/here-magazine/no36/lakhta_centre_640x360.jpg)
FACTS - Lakhta Centre
Location: St Petersburg, Russia
Height: 462 metres
Floors: 87
Info: Tallest skyscraper in Europe, 20th tallest skyscraper in the world.
The Lakhta Centre's twisting tower is inspired by a Swedish fortress, which occupied the original site in the early 14th century.
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